CPhase() takes a ( classical) floating point number as its first argument and a qubit as it's second argument. CPhase()的第一个参数是(经典的)浮点数,第二个参数是一个量子位。
If you're reading a floating point number, there are other concerns. 如果您读取的浮点数,还有另外需要关注的问题。
All it does is return a floating point number representing the temperature. 它只是返回一个表示温度的浮点数。
EBNF-style description of floating point number EBNF样式的浮点数描述
However, note that the payload looks very strange for a payload that simply returns a floating point number. 但请注意,这个有效负载看起来非常奇怪,不象是只返回一个浮点数的有效负载。
In general supported types are Integer, boolean, ASCII string, double-precision signed floating point number, date-time, set, list, properties. 通常支持的类型有整数、Boolean、ASCII字符串、双精度带符号浮点数、日期时间、集合、列表、属性。
Float It's going to try and turn it into a floating point number. 将要尝试做转化,Well,float,is,going,to,try,and,do,the,cohersion。,它将试着把它转化为浮点数,如果成功,那很棒!
It is possible to add two integers, or an integer and a floating point number, and even an integer and a complex number. 可以把两个整型相加,或者一个整型和一个浮点型,又或者一个整型和一个复数。
If I apply float to an int, it turns it into a floating point number. 如果我让一个浮点数等于一个整形数,它就会把它转化为一个浮点数。
A digit, usually zero, produced during the normalizing of a floating-point number, and inserted during a left shift operation into the fixed point part. 在浮点数的规格化过程中产生的,在左移位操作中插入定点部分的数字,该数字通常为零。
So a floating point value again is a number with a decimal point, so it depends. 一个浮点型数据就是一个,带小数点的数。
The coding in GA was the floating point number coding, the arithmetic cross technique and the cross technique among different groups were used. 遗传算法采用浮点数编码方法,运用了算术交叉技术和种群间交叉技术。
Creating the Data File and Input/ Output Macros of Single-precision Floating Point Number in VAX-11 Assembly Language VAX-11机宏指令的编制&汇编语言中浮点数输入输出和建立数据文件
The New Structure BCD Floating Point Number's Algorithm and Application 新结构BCD浮点数算法及应用
A Solution to an Error of Floating Number Subroutine-Library in MCU 单片机浮点数子程序库一种错误的解决方法
Two improved chaotic map algorithms are proposed for generating floating point pseudorandom number. 提出了两种改进的混沌映射伪随机浮点数发生算法。
Floating number is always used in many applications of MCU systems, the result may be wrong in some occasions. 在很多单片机应用程序中,为了满足某种要求,都要用到浮点数计算,当中间结果为零时,有些子程序计算结果将出现错误。
It's proved by experiment that the whole system has a high speed and good reliability, because the single chip computer has high integration, compact hardware structure and floating number. 该单片机集成度高、硬件结构紧凑并采用浮点数运算,实验证明,整个系统的快速性与可靠性均较理想。
A quantitative computable method of sequence complexity is introduced in this paper, and it is demonstrated the importance of computing accuracy selection for floating point number being transformed to pseudorandom binary sequence by the complexity analysis of chaotic sequence of Lorenz equations. 介绍一种能够定量分析混沌序列复杂性的计算方法,并以Lorenz混沌系统的数值序列复杂性计算为例,说明数值序列的伪随机二进制转化过程中精度选取的重要性。
Based on the 18-bit floating number representation, the improved multiplier, division, adder and comparator is given, and then the floating arithmetic is completed. 基于18位自定义浮点数格式给出了改进的乘法器、除法器、加法器和比较器,并在此基础上利用已有的算法结构实现了浮点算法。
In order to ensure the precision of operation, floating point number calculate scheme is obligatory. 为了确保运算过程有足够的精度,必须采用浮点运算。
A New Method of Converting Integer to Floating Point Number 一种新的整数转换为浮点数的方法
The schema theorem with binary coding advanced by Professor Holland is expanded to limited integer, letter, floating point numbers the number of which value is limited, and their hybrid coding. 将二进制编码遗传算法的模式定理扩展到由有限整数、字母或取值个数有限的浮点数编码,或它们混合编码的遗传算法范围;
The mathematic descriptions of geometry restriction and stabilization were analyzed respectively, and then the optimal gait was worked out with genetic algorithm mixing binary number encoding and floating point number encoding. 通过分析机器人在行进中的几何约束和稳定性的数学描述,将步态规划问题转化为寻优问题,并利用二进制数和浮点数混合编码的遗传算法寻找最优解。
A Method and Application for Establishing Floating Datum Using Fold Number Imformation 利用覆盖次数信息构建浮动基准面的方法及应用
One third of the floating population are women whose number is increasing much faster than that of the male migrants. 其中,约三分之一为女性。而且,流动人口中女性劳动力人数增加的速度远远超过男性。
In 80d, float-moist seedbed system should be higher than the floating seedbed system in number of physical indicators, indicating the advantages of pre-accumulation still continued until the latter date, that had a higher practical significance. 在第80d的中后期,漂湿苗的多项物理指标都要高于漂浮苗,说明前期积累的优势仍然能持续到后期,使其具有了更高的实际意义。
With the increasing trend of migration, a special group& floating population appeared, and the number of minority migrants also continued to grow. 随着人口流动和迁移趋势的增强,产生了流动人口这一特殊的群体,少数民族流动人口的数量也在持续增长。
Flaubert thinks that the nature of life is the pot of soup which is floating a number of hairs, but you have to drink it. 福楼拜认为生活的本质就是一盆浮着许多毛发的汤,可是你还得把它喝下去。
Our country is populous with great many floating population, the number of waiters is significantly higher than other countries, thus there is a wide range of requirements to waiting space design. 我国是人口大国,流动人群数量庞大,等候者数量显著高于其他国家,因此对等候空间有其广泛的设计需求。